3 posts categorized "Visitors"

  • 10/03/2014
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

#Sustain the Nine - Support CSED KickStarter Campaign!


5227 Chartres (the Center) Before


The VISION:  Download PERSPECTIVE 011414

The CAMPAIGN: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/312337143/the-center-a-sustainable-historic-house

  • 07/06/2012
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

Alive In You: Helping to Create Our 'Compost Garden'

Alive In You youth mission group Valley Ranch Baptist Church Dallas TX 6.20.2012

We are forever grateful to the helping hands of endless volunteers who continue to come to the Lower 9th Ward to make a difference in our community. 

Recently, I had the pleasure to work with "Alive In You" youth mission group from Valley Ranch Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas.  For 2 days, these busy bees worked in the hot sun for hours helping my co-worker Charles Reddick and myself cut, clean, beautify, and add layers to our composting lots, and enhance our rain catchment system.  Along with Veteran Volunteer Steven Gonzales, who found lost treasure, they transformed our space and lifted our spirits. 

Thanks so much for helping us continue to move forward!

Grass encroaching on compost Cut & Cleaned Enhancing the rain catchment Veteran Volunteer Steven Gonzales finds lost treasure

  • 05/06/2012
  • Posted by staff

Touring the Nine: Visitors from St. Louis, Tulane & the UK see the community up close

Daniel Hellmuth and group

From left to right: St. Louis Architect Dan Hellmuth (a Tulane grad), with his daughter Charlotte (also a Tulane grad), and a group of friends got a first-hand look at sustainable developments across the Lower Ninth Ward - from River to Bayou - on a recent visit, thanks to CSED's John Taylor, Tracy Nelson and David Eber.