Great Way to See the Lower 9! Ninth Ward Rebirth Bike Tours
Check out this great new website and service: Ninth Ward Rebirth Bike Tours!
The Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans–a community devastated by the flooding of Hurricane Katrina. News coverage during and after the storm introduced this community to the world at large, and even re-introduced it to New Orleans itself. This neighborhood’s roots run deep, and not even the rushing flood waters could wash it away.We’ll visit the “Lower Nine”, meet the people who survived and understand their struggle to rebuild this unique community.
Life experienced through a windshield is one step away from watching it on TV, but even a bicycle tour can become just a series of sights. We want to deliver a series of stories and lives, from the history and importance of the Lower Nine, the context of the flooding during Hurricane Katrina, and why the rebirth of this remarkable neighborhood matters. Come see this rebirth in progress, and understand the hurdles that have yet to be overcome. Our tours will tell you the stories of the residents who can’t think of leaving and those who are helping them return.
From the seat of our comfortable cruiser-style bicycles, our relaxed four-hour ride includes a lunch break and many stops along the way. We know that you will walk away with a memorable view of this oft-forgotten place, and a personal view of the community from a new company associated with Trip Advisor’s number one rated Confederacy of Cruisers Bicycle Tours.
Tours are rolling now. Email [email protected] if you have any questions or to make reservations. Go to their website @