Food Security
Food Security remains a vital element of any sustainable community – and in fact is a return to the traditions of urban farming and independent living rooted in the Lower Ninth Ward. CSED works to promote this initiative through community gardens, local markets and ongoing education and outreach about the importance of urban agriculture to community revitalization.
The CSED proudly supports the efforts of the Backyard Gardeners Network, founded by Lower 9 native and resident Jenga Mwendo, to promote food security: the Guerrilla Garden (Chartres and Charbonnet) and the Ernst Community Garden (Chartres and Forstall). In addition to regular community events, BGN hosts volunteer activities, foreign delegations, training, cultural celebrations, and the development of a Garden Center House for the Holy Cross Neighborhood Association.
Additional activities include:
Food Planning Committee: In response to the community's poor access to fresh food, CSED is currently organizing Lower 9th Ward community leaders and residents to create a Neighborhood Food Action Plan to outline exactly what the Lower 9 wants in regards to food and how the community will get it.
Urban Farm: CSED is currently in the development phase of creating an Urban Farm. The farm would provide local quality food to residents and New Orleans’ area restaurants, as well as a community hiring component that would include an apprenticeship in farming.