55 posts categorized "Built Environment"

  • 11/08/2013
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

Men of Zion Work Until the Job Is Done

We would like to express our gratitude to the Men of Zion from the American Baptist Churches of the South who continue to come volunteer with us.  This is their ninth year of service to our community! The wonderful gentlemen that John Taylor and I worked with overcame issues with the auger, compacted soil and rock, and time constraints to install a perimeter fence on our lots at Florida and Caffin Avenues constructed of recycled posts salvaged by John.  No matter the obstacle, these good-natured and skilled men will find a way and work until the job is done. FloridaLotsVol Nov2013 Collage

  • 10/25/2013
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

How does our Dauphine garden grow? Pretty in pink muhly grass, zinnias, & purple hyacinth bean!

Dauphine PinkMuhlyPathway Dauphine Pretty In Pink Collage

  • 10/16/2013
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

Framing Replaced @ The Center

FinalBefore and after pics of the The Center on Chartres.  Work moves forward as termite damaged header was replaced with new treated 2''x6''.

  • 10/02/2013
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

USGBC Green Apple Day of Service

PicMonkey Collage 3Green Apple Day of Service was a success!  Over the weekend volunteers helped CSED with light carpentry work at The Center on Chartres (5227 Chartres Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development Energy Efficiency Educational Center).
  • 09/16/2013
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

Highlights in Holy Cross Neighborhood

Solar Light Fix

Justin and Vincent fix the solar lights at the Delery Street Playground, John Koferal comes by and lends a hand.  Light  one is now opperational and light two will be back in action later this week!

Shoring-Up The Center


2008-12-31 23.00.00-4 2008-12-31 23.00.00-224













Work continues on 5227 Chartres.  The Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development, otherwise known as The Center on Chartres undergoes repairs by the CSED.  We replaced termite damaged wood from the cantilevered section of the front porch.

September 28th volunteers from the USGBC's Green Apple Day of Service will be assisting with additional repairs to the porch at The Center.

  • 08/13/2013
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

Out With the Old & In With the New- well kind of

2008-12-31 23.00.00-222

Last week Baptist volunteers helped remove rotten wood from the Sustainable Engagement and Development Center (aka 5227 Chartres Street House).  As we peeled back layers of drywall and rotten tongue and groove, we found beautiful barge board rafters that make up the old bones of the house.  After several consultations with Andrew Spaulding (Nola Green Building Architect Extraordinaire), we determined  the next step is to remove termite damaged framing in the cantalevered section of the porch (bottom right pic), and replace with new treated lumber.  This will reinforce the roof rafters and ceiling joists that tie into the top plate at the front of the house.  Stay tuned for updates & project progress!

2008-12-31 23.00.00-2252008-12-31 23.00.00-224




  • 06/26/2013
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

Pier Work at 5227 Chartres Nearing Completion!

 Look at bottom right hand picture to compare old and new pier!  We've  installed a total of six new! 

PicMonkey Collage 1

PicMonkey Collage2

  • 06/24/2013
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

Piers go UP at the Sustainable Engagement and Development Center (5227 Chartres)

Volunteers  from West Virgina assist Big Jim and I in digging six holes for six new piers at 5227 Chartres.  The CSED is thankful for all the help from our volunteers!!!  Next step is leveling and loading the pier pads and then building the piers. Final step: lifting the house, finishing the piers and then letting the house back down!DSCN0586 DSCN0583

  • 06/21/2013
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

A Hurricane of a Different Sort

Twenty-nine folks from the First Baptist Church of Hurricane Youth Group out of Hurricane (pronounced "hurr-i-kuhn" ;), West Virginia, blew into town this week & created a whirlwind of volunteer action, creativity, & hard work!  The fabulous five that I worked with at the CSED community pocket park & orchard at 4817-19 Dauphine Street accomplished an amazing number of tasks in just three days!  Hats off to Philip Bradley, Mark Moore, Timothy & Courtney Hayslett, & Alyssa Tolley for their service to our community! First Baptist Church of Hurricane Youth Group 

Just look at the result of all their creativity & hard work!

Hurricane at Work 1Courtney & Alyssa weeded, & weeded, & weeded some more; planted new plants; laid down lots of landscape fabric; finished a brick border; & put down mulch.  Mulched

Their constant, beautiful smiles as sunny as the sunflowers :) More Weeding

Philip, Mark & Tim stood ready to create recycled slate & brick borders & a recycled brick entry path; load & place broken concrete pavers; cut grass, weed eat, dig dirt & much more! Sidewalk Recycled Slate Border Brick Laying Collage

Cement Hauling CollageWe can't thank our volunteers enough for all their wonderful contributions.  Their work uplifts & sustains us all.