3 posts categorized "BP Oil Spill"

  • 06/15/2012
  • Posted by David Eber

Community Conversations on Coastal Restoration

SaveTheDateJune19Join the National Wildlife Federation on Tuesday June, 19th at the New Orleans Healing Center at 2372 St. Claude Avenue. Free food will be provided and it is sure to be a laid back atmosphere with lively conversation! Join us!

  • 11/29/2011
  • Posted by staff

Gulf Restoration Network's Interactive Postcard: "We need more hands"

An interactive postcard, created by M&C Saatchi Switzerland for The New-Orleans based Gulf Restoration Network, is aimed at giving the recipient first hand experience of the situation that remains in the Gulf of Mexico, over a year after the major oil spill there from the Deepwater Horizon rig.

  • 09/01/2010
  • Posted by staff

In Wake of Gulf Spill, Louisiana Moves on Renewable Energy

Clean energy bills and a coming renewable portfolio standard may shake up the state's energy picture

By Dave Levitan

In the six weeks since the Deepwater Horizon oil rig blew up and began spilling untold amounts of crude into the Gulf of Mexico, calls for fast action on clean energy have increased sharply from some politicians in Washington, including President Obama. 

Now, that national clamor is beginning to reverberate at the state level. Perhaps the most notable example is Louisiana, the ground zero of the oil spill and its disastrous effects.

The state has long been among the darlings of the oil and gas industries, placing fourth in terms of oil production. That ranking rises to first if the offshore rigs in federal waters are included.

But with several bills now working their way through the state legislature in Baton Rouge — and progress being made on a renewable energy portfolio standard — clean energy advocates say they could see at least a glimmer of good coming from the gooey mess infiltrating Louisiana's coastlines and marshes. READ MORE >>

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