CSED Dauphine Community Garden DIY Booklet
Vacant lot blight beautification, soil remediation & food security.
A Do-It-Yourself Handbook
Produced by Lower 9th Ward CSED in 2013
Vacant lot blight beautification, soil remediation & food security.
A Do-It-Yourself Handbook
Produced by Lower 9th Ward CSED in 2013
Congratulations to Kathy Muse, CSED Program
Coordinator, who recently received a certificate from LSU AgCenter for
successfully completing the required hours of classroom and field
instruction in their Master Gardener Program! Topics in this course of
instruction included palms & cyads, botany & plant propagation,
basic entomology & plant pathology, weed science, soils, pesticides
& the environment, vegetable, herb & organic gardening, home
fruit & nut production, lawn care, ornamental horticulture,
diagnostic keys to urban plant problems, and pest detection. The Master
Gardener Handbook which is a research-based resource for this class is
available at the CSED office for use by the community.
To learn more about the LSU AgCenter Master Gardener Program visit www.lsuagcenter.com
Terrific new book will be coming out soon, We Shall Not Be Moved: Rebuilding Home in the Wake of Katrina by author Tom Wooten. Tells the stories of five New Orleans neighborhoods – Broadmoor, Hollygrove, Lakeview, the Lower Ninth Ward, and Village de l’Est – and features CSED's own Pam Dashiell!
You can pre-order We Shall Not be Moved, which will be released August 7, 2012, here.
"Many who lived in the Lower Ninth Ward described it to outsiders as being “like the country.” This assertion would strike an Iowa farmer as laughable, but in New Orleans, the distinction made sense. Though the Lower Ninth was as densely populated as any other part of New Orleans, it lay downriver of the rest of the city, cut off by a waterway known officially as the Inter-Harbor Navigational Canal and informally as the Industrial Canal. It was a world unto itself. Few in the rest of New Orleans crossed into the Lower Ninth Ward with any regularity, and many Lower Ninth residents returned the favor, eating, sleeping, working, and attending school on their side of the canal.
Pam Dashiell, who moved to the Lower Ninth Ward in the 1980s, loved the way the neighborhood felt self-contained; it retained and attracted particular kinds of people, who were “drawn by the way this place is.” The people, in turn, made the place. Ms. Leblanc, an elderly lady who had lived in her house on Tennessee Street for nearly forty years, sat on her porch every morning, telling her neighbors about the newspaper stories she was reading. Steve, a janitor who had grown up in the neighborhood, recounted childhood memories of catching snakes and fishing in the bayou down the street from his house. Ms. Johnson, who lived with her grandchildren in an airy clapboard house on Jourdan Avenue, raised chickens. She was not alone; roosters throughout the Lower Ninth began to crow every morning shortly before dawn." READ MORE >>
via nolarecovers.com
Founded in 2006, the Lower 9th Ward Center for Sustainable Engagement and Development (CSED) works to stimulate civic engagement, repopulate, sustain natural systems, assist community leadership and preserve resources in the Lower 9th Ward neighborhoods.
Join Our Mailing List |
Lower 9th Ward Center for Sustainable
Engagement & Development
5130 Chartres Street
New Orleans, LA 70117
P: 504.324.9955
Executive Director
Arthur Johnson
Program Coordinator & Urban Farm Manager
Kathy Muse
Volunteer Coordinator
Warrenetta Banks
Energy Efficiency & Urban Farm Coordinator
Vincent Fedeli
Food Planning Coordinator
Jenga Mwendo
Wetland Specialist
John Taylor
Energy Efficiency Apprentice
Charles Reddick
Food Planning Organizer
Beverly Jackson
Bill Waiters, Chair, Lower Ninth Ward
Austin Allen, Louisiana State University
Antoinette Ackerson, Lower Ninth Ward
Calvin Alexander, Lower Ninth Ward
William Becker, E3G, Natural Capitalism Solutions
M. David Lee, Harvard Graduate School of Design, Stull and Lee Inc.
Dave Macaulay, Green ArchiTEXT
Darryl Malek-Wiley, Sierra Club
Greer Mendy, Tekrema Center for Art and Culture
Earthea Nance, Texas Southern University
J.W. Tatum, Lower Ninth Ward