CSED is partnering with Kayak-iti-Yat to offer free kayaking lessons to community members 14 years or older. The event will take place at Bayou St. John Saturday, December 12, 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. No experience is necessary and life jackets will be provided.
If you have questions, would like to sign up, or would like transportation to the event, please e- [email protected] or call 512-964-9499.
First annual Holladay Market
The Lower 9 Collaborative invites neighbors to the first annual Holladay Market shopping extravaganza. The event will take place Saturday, Dec. 12, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 13, 12 noon - 3 p.m.
The celebration will include vendors, open min, raffles, live music and festive libations all in one place.
For more information, contact Bill at 504-460-2689.
"Big TREEsy" 1,000 Tree Giveaway
Entergy is partnering with the city of New Orleans to give away 1,000 trees this weekend, and it's completely free! The giveaway will take place Saturday, Dec. 5, 9 a.m. - noon at the City of New Orleans Department of Parks and Parkways, 2829 Gentilly Blvd. There will be more than 30 types of trees to choose from, with a limit of one free tree per resident. Extra trees will be available for $15.
HCNA annual Christmas Party
Bring your favorite potluck dish and celebrate with neighbors at the annual Holy Cross Neighborhood Association Christmas Party this Thursday, Dec. 10, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. at The Sanchez Center.
Fall Closing Celebration at the Guerrilla Garden
Join the Guerrilla Garden to celebrate the end of the Fall 2015 Season. The Fall 2015 Closing Celebration is fun for the whole family with food, music, face painting, a raffle, a mini-market, and birthday cake. The event will take place Saturday, Dec. 5 at the Guerrilla Garden, 600 Charbonnet Street, 2 p.m. - 5 p.m. with a special awards ceremony at 3 p.m.
Free Native Plants workshop
Groundwork New Orleans invites you to learn about native plants and their many uses, including making tea. It's a free workshop this Saturday, Dec. 5, 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. at The New Orleans Healing Center Earth Lab, 2372 St. Claude Ave.
Holy Cross Holiday Home Tour
Stop by the Holy Cross Holiday Home tour this Tuesday, Dec. 8, beginning at 5p.m. The tour will make the following stops: 6038 St. Claude, 6030 N. Rampart, 5605 Dauphine, 5101 Dauphine, 5438 Chartres, 6119 Burgundy, 808 Delery, 635 Tricou and end with food, libations and music at 6232 Dauphine.
Winter gardening tips
Keep your garden beautiful with these tips from LSU's Ag Center.
Free seminar to become a licensed claims adjuster
If you'd like to become a licensed claims adjuster or gain knowledge of the industry, take advantage of a free seminar this Wednesday, Dec. 9, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. at Southern University at New Orleans (corner of Press Drive and Leon C. Simon). The event will take place in the Small Business Incubator, Room 171.
Parent student orientation for NAACP scholarship opportunities
The New Orleans NAACP ACT-SO program is seeking bright and talented students to compete for cash and the opportunity to obtain college scholarships. Parents and interested students in grades 9 - 12 are invited to attend an orientation to learn more Saturday, Dec. 12, 10 a.m. at Southern University New Orleans (6400 Press Drive). For more information, contact Brenda Jackson at [email protected] or Le'Kedra Robertson at (985)215-2333.
 Families with children ages 12 and under are invited to attend a free holiday toy giveaway Saturday, Dec. 19, 7 a.m. - 10 a.m., at Xavier's Convocation Center, 7900 Stroelitz St.
Recap: Festival of Lights
Special thanks to everyone who was able to attend our Festival of Lights event. We had a great time!
Art home tour and sale in Holy Cross
Creative Alliance of New Orleans will feature local artwork for sale at its 5th annual Downriver Art Home Tour and Sale. The tour will go from Holy Cross to Poydras on Dec. 5, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Upcoming community events
Youth Explosion Gospel Celebration Saturday, Dec. 5,
3 p.m. Lower Ninth House of Music 1205 Charbonnet St.
For more information, call 504-328-4860.
Joseph Crachiola: The Journey Gallery & Open House
December 1-31, 2015 Opening: December 6, 2015, 4-8 PM
5120 Royal Street Open by appointment
Neighborhood Participation Program Special Public Hearing
Tuesday, Dec. 8 5 p.m. City Council Chambers City Hall - Room 1E07)
Chief Executive Officer Arthur Johnson Program Manager Kathy Muse Volunteer ManagerWarrenetta Banks Wetland SpecialistJohn Taylor Energy Efficiency AssistantCharles Reddick Community Resilience OutreachBeverly Jackson
Resiliency Manager for Coastal Restoration and Community Awareness Rachel Pickens