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  • 06/23/2014
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

Citrus Canker Disease

We have unfortunately lost one of our grapefruit trees in our Dauphine Street Commuity Orchard to citrus canker disease.  This has been confirmed by Dr. Raghuwinder Singh of the LSU Ag Center.  He advises that "the only way to manage citrus canker is to remove the symptomatic tree entirely. Double bag the tree in black sturdy trash bags and then dispose of it in a landfill or let the garbage hauler take it. Surface sterilize the tools that you use to cut the tree with 20% bleach solution. Also remember to wash your hands with warm water and soap. Do not touch or visit another citrus tree within 72 hours after you remove the tree." If one of your trees shows signs of citrus canker disease, please notify Dr. Singh by emailing [email protected] the location and photos of the diseased tree.  He is tracking the spread of this disease.Citrus Canker Collage

Dauphine Orchard Grapefruit with Citrus Canker Disease Disposal 4

Our tree appeared healthy and vigorous with new growth sprouting all around but the bottom leaves had lesions with yellow halos. Citrus canker is a highly contagious disease and all varieties of citrus are susceptible. Help stop the spread of this disease by being informed and taking immediate action.

Learn more at http://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/communications/leads/citrus-canker-disease-threatens-louisiana-trees.htm

href="http://southeastfarmpress.com/orchard-crops/usda-confirms-citrus-canker-now-louisiana" target="_blank">USDA confirms citrus canker now in Louisiana


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