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  • 04/01/2014
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

Hail to Historic Green 2014 Spring Greening !!!

A hearty thank you to all the Historic Green 2014 Spring Greening volunteers who spent a week in the Lower 9th Ward working on community projects. 

5227 Chartres Rain Garden Historic Green Collage

Their energy and enthusiasm produced a rain garden in the back yard of our Chartres Street property and a Bayou Pavillion designed by Anne McTernan with rain catchment and a small rain garden on our Florida Avenue property. 

Bayou Pavillion Collage 1

Bayou Pavillion HG Collage 2

Bayou Pavillion HG6 Rain Garden and Final

But they accomplished much more at our Chartres Street house and at the Delery Street Playground.  They topped it all off by hosting a crawfish boil for the community!

Thank you, Historic Green, for your seven years of support through Spring Greening Events in March of each year since 2008!

Learn more about Historic Green and see their extensive photos of the 2014 Spring Greening event on their facebook page http://historicgreen.org/2014-spring-green-event/



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