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  • 02/28/2013
  • Posted by Kathy Muse

Rochester Mission Group Rocks!

Rochester Mission Group 1
We would like to extend great gratitude to the Rochester Mission Group from Rochester, New York which included hard-working volunteers from Webster, Greece & Ogden Baptist Churches. Just look at what they helped us to accomplish  at our 4819 Dauphine Street Community Orchard in just TWO DAYS!! French Drain & Pathway Collage

Donated ginger was planted along the perimeter French drain which they dug & filled with broken brick pieces unearthed from the soil.  The French drain will redirect runoff into the soon-to-be-built rain garden.  Along with general debris & trash removal, the first entrance pathway was created using broken brick, cement, & recycled roofing slate. Recycled Roofing Slate Pathway Collage 

Holes were dug & measured & nine fruit trees were planted, watered, & mulched.  Neighbors will be able to enjoy the harvest from 2 Satsumas, 2 Ruby Red Grapefruit, 2 Blood Orange, 2 Meyers Lemon, & 1 Persian Lime!  Dreams do come true. Orchard Planted  

The efforts of many continue to bear fruit as countless volunteers generously keep coming to help us rebuild & grow our community. Bearing Fruit


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