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  • 12/08/2012
  • Posted by staff

The Road Back Home: Environmental Justice & Wetlands Restoration in the Lower 9 (VIDEO)

It's been a long time in the making - and well worth the wait! Check out this film, just released to YouTube, by Reynaldo Morales, a graduate fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Dear friends,

This documentary is part of the effort of University of Wisconsin/NOLA project addressing environmental justice in New Orleans and specifically at the Lower Ninth Ward. Produced in mid 2010 and released in 2011, this served to expose the critical situation of the Lower Ninth Ward community and their chances for its reconstruction, linked to a broader understanding of environmental justice and wetland restoration as opportunities for community sustainable development. The documentary also exposes the situation of the BP Oil Spill and the "loss of a size of a football field of wetlands every 30 minutes" in Louisiana, according to scientist Wilma Subra, and its connection with the impact on the Gulf Coast fishing community and the future of the wetlands in Louisiana and New Orleans, as well as the role of organizations and advocates to keep the hope for the future. The last threat from Hurricane Isaac and the new presence of oil slicks in the Gulf Coast confirm what it is exposed here.

Please help us to continue distributing it. This documentary has been presented to several organizations and universities in New Orleans, as well as among students and faculty from important universities such as UW Madison, Berkeley, Harvard, Yale, and others through online distribution.




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