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  • 07/15/2012
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

Halfway Point

Seed saved from open pollinated plants, labeled, stored and ready to be used, sold or traded.

I am four weeks into my 2 month internship at Ecology Action in Willits CA - home of Grow Biointensive guru John Jeavons.  I am learning a great deal on how to grow food sustainably.  Upon my return to old New Orleans and the beloved Lower 9th Ward I will share my knowledge, teach folks the basics on how to grow food using some of the principals I have learned, and if the stars align, start developing a small lot in the L9 that will help feed the community!

On Monday John Jeavons will start teaching a teacher certification program for 6 month interns.  Jodi, an intern from 9 years ago, from New Zealand, came back for this training.  He owns a 5 acre farm where he teaches, host interns, and raises crops for his seed selling business.


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