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  • 06/23/2012
  • Posted by Vincent Fedeli

End of Land Gladness

CIMG2200I made it to the Ecology Action site in sunny CA - although as I write this it is only 60 degrees outside!  The first thing I did upon arrival, after seeing my living accommodations was to trek down a winding, steep, pebbly dirt trail to a beautiful  terraced garden booming with vegetation.   There are flowers of all colors and verities, golden wheat, oats, barley, amaranth, quinoa, young corn, beans, and a myriad of other amazing wheat and veggies that all live together in this truly amazing place!

It was noon time and that meant that it was time to spot water.  I picked up the black hose at my feet, that had a Ross Watering Fan attached to it, and was told to water in slow sweeping motions - as if it were raining.  Mike, one of the garden managers said, "the fine rain of water absorbs benificial airborne nutrients as well as air, helping the plants growth process."



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