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  • 04/04/2012
  • Posted by staff

Restoring the Bayou: One Day, One Plant at a Time

363Students from the University of Wisconsin planting Spartina Grasses along the Bayou Bienvenue spoil bank in the Lower 9th Ward.

The past two days at Bayou Bienvenue have featured a flurry of activity with Common Ground Relief, the CSED, the Sierra Club and volunteers from the University of Wisconsin who have been removing invasive species of plants, and planting native ones, on the spoil bank in Bayou Bienvenue.  Along with removing the invasives, the volunteers removed trash and planted 250 Bald Tupelo Cypress saplings, and transplanted some Spartina

While this work is slow, it is important for the ecological health of the bayou. Also, it makes for a fun outing and experiment!


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